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Children's Environmental Health: A Systems Approach for Anticipating Impacts from Chemicals (2020) Int J Environ Res Public Health

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17228337

Cohen Hubal EA, Reif DM, Slover R, Mullikin A, Little JC. Children's Environmental Health: A Systems Approach for Anticipating Impacts from Chemicals. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Nov 11;17(22):8337. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17228337. PMID: 33187264; PMCID: PMC7696947.

Increasing numbers of chemicals are on the market and present in consumer products. Emerging evidence on the relationship between environmental contributions and prevalent diseases suggests associations between early-life exposure to manufactured chemicals and a wide range of children's health outcomes. Using current assessment methodologies, public health and chemical management decisionmakers face challenges in evaluating and anticipating the potential impacts of exposure to chemicals on children's health in the broader context of their physical (built and natural) and social environments. Here, we consider a systems approach to address the complexity of children's environmental health and the role of exposure to chemicals during early life, in the context of nonchemical stressors, on health outcomes. By advancing the tools for integrating this more complex information, the scope of considerations that support chemical management decisions can be extended to include holistic impacts on children's health.

Keywords: children’s environmental health; systems approach


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